Attention all bunny owners.
If you have been waiting for a chance to showcase your beautiful or handsome pet bunny, here is your chance. .
Event's Highlight (20th - 30th Jan : 11am - 9pm (Mon - Sun)
- ARBA Rabbit Judge from US
- Flemish giant rabbit (World largest breed)
- Exhibition of 50+ rabbits
- Proper grooming education
- Better rabbit handlers
- Understanding each breed
- Rabbit nutrition for longevity
- Understanding the price tag at pet shop
Competition's Highlight
(22nd - 23rd Jan : 11am - 9pm (Sat & Sun)
1. Best of Breed (BOB) Holland Lop
2. Best of Breed (BOB) Netherland Dwarf
29th - 30th Jan
1. Best of Breed (BOB) Lionhead Lop/Dwarf
2. Best Dressed rabbit (All breeds)
3. Rabbit race ( All breeds)
Registration Fees
BOB (Holland Lop) : $10
BOB ( Netherland Dwarf) : $10
BOB (Lionhead Lop/Dwarf) : $8
Best Dress Rabbit (All breed) : $6
Rabbit Race (All breed) : $5
Drop us an email for the registration form :